General Discussions
A few months ago, one of our customers was super excited to have spotted a Wood Warbler. They are around 15 miles from where we live so we have been keeping a watchful eye!
I can now say, after many hours of checking what I was seeing to confirm we have now got a Wood Warbler visiting us.
These birds, are smaller and finer looking than the size of a Siskin. In our opinion they look a very light grey with a rather pointy beak.
It was rather hard trying to identify them as they look very much like a ChiffChaff - but with lighter legs.
It's incredible the different species we are now attracting by providing a high quality toxin free bird feed.
Our birds, vary what they like to demo at our feeders as the season changes and depending on what they are up to and what nutrition they are seeking to support them. The J&J Summer Blend is still our birds favourite.